Unique Shower Curtains

Discover the Best Unique Shower Curtains For You :Ultimate Shower Curtain Comparison Guide

You are here because you are just like me.You just want any old shower curtain for you bathroom. You are creative and open-minded. You love to see the royal appeal that an extra long shower curtain has. It livens up the dull old bathroom by giving it an immediate touch of elegance It is always a challenge to find the perfect long shower curtain that is pleasing to my eyes.

Many people pay little attention to shower curtains as they see it as no big deal.I love art and interior decoration so I definitely must to have a beautiful and extraordinary looking shower curtain in my bathroom.

On this website I try to make your search for shower curtains less painful and recommend to you some of the ones that i am using or i have used in the past.

I have created a table that will help you to find the best shower curtain for you.

See this table Here

How to Find Unique Shower Curtains That Meet Your Needs?

When looking for a shower curtain, you need to consider the theme of your bathroom. By theme I mean the color of your walls and other elements. You need to find a shower curtain that blends in almost perfectly with the whole theme. You want your bathroom to appear to others as being 'well thought out' rather than just throwing random thing up. It does speak a lot about who you are.

You need to then consider what size you want ,This could be a normal length shower curtain or an extra long shower curtain which is on average 72 by 84 inches. You don't want your shower curtain too short that water can escape underneath nor too long that it sags on the floor.

If you kids, then you probably will need to take into consideration of the material you may want to use. Usually plastic materials are the most durable and silk being the least. Silk can easily be damaged both by water and your kids. See here for a review of the 3 best Shower Curtain fabrics i recommend. 

What is a Shower Curtain?

A shower curtain is an essential part of every bathroom. It prevents water spills when using the shower or it acts as a measure of hiding yourself from being seen by unexpected visitors when you forget to securely lock the door.

Shower curtains come in many lengths, widths, textures and colors. For the artistic person, a shower curtain could be used as a means of self expression.Many people would go the extent of having their shower curtains custom build.

The most popular fabrics for shower curtains as discussed here are plastic,polyester and silk. Each material bring its unique vibe to your bathroom. The cost for a shower curtain may vary based on the quality, design,length and width. These prices could range from $100- $200.

Everyone should have a shower curtain in their bathroom as it not only prevents water spills and hides you from unwanted entry in the bathroom but also raises the overall appeal of your bathroom. It makes it a more friendly and welcoming place for your visitors.

3 Best Fabrics for an Extra Long Shower Curtain

When choosing a shower curtain , there are  a few things I usually consider. I look for the styling ,color,shape and size.I am extremely careful about the material I choose that I think will be a perfect fit for my bathroom.

Here are a listing of 3 materials I prefer when buying an extra long shower curtain.

This is the most popular fabric that people normally choose. I find Plastic fabric shower curtains to be the most appealing to my eyes. They are extremely durable and usually come in many bright fun colors. My kids love the sound they make when I take them to have their bath. I don't know why but the seem to always find it very entertaining.
Cleaning plastic shower curtains are extremely easily. I usually use a damped cloth with a little soap to wipe it of and it's all brand new again.

I love the thick and sturdy feeling of polyester. They can be cleaned easily and will not get damaged easily by water. They are very easy to find and the designs are abundant.

People may argue that that silk shower curtains are the most luxurious but i still love my plastic. Silk does look good, don't get me wrong, but i rather to use silk in my bedroom as window curtains. I can also just imagine how easily my kids could tear that up or it getting damaged by the water since silk is not very water resistant!